
Lisa Noel (Revisited) | Hunt Valley | Fashion Portraits

Session Date: 5.8.10
Location: Hunt Valley, MD

Lisa and I have always said that we would get together again for another photo shoot since the first one went so well. I was inspired on a peacock theme couple weeks before when watching a commercial and immediately thought of Lisa being perfect for it.

Although the day started out late, I believe the session went pretty well. Below are the results from the day.



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At the last minute, I decided to switch it up and do a chinese theme and it so happens that Lisa had her room inspired by Asia. I love when things work out perfectly at a whim. =)

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I'm beginning to like these shoots more and more although it does take alot of work - me being a one-woman show. However it does let my creativity free which is always nice. Hope you enjoyed!
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The Shung | Georgetown | Family Portraits

Date: 5/1/10
Location: Washington, D.C.

When Jenny contacted me that she'll be in town and would love to get together for a photo shoot, I jumped on it. I've known Jenny & Simon back when we were all in Pittsburgh and now they have a little addition to the happy family.

I had such a blast doing the shoot not to mention seeing all the many expressive faces of Isaac - too cute!




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I just love how Simon holds Isaac - haha

What a gorgeous family! I'm hoping to visit them sometime in the summer to whip up a mean tiramisu cake and perhaps blog about it? We shall see but in the meantime, enjoy the photos. =)
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Ty Giovanni Marcucio | Woodbridge | Baby Portraits

Session Date: May 1, 2010
Location: Woodbridge, CT

Ty took his first breath on April 28, 2010 at 6:56pm. I literally screamed when I first heard the news, especially on the sex of the baby since the parents didn't want to know until then. Ironically, I was celebrating a birthday dinner with friends and I'm sure the other patrons were less enthused by my excitement. That didn't faze me in the least and I couldn't wait to head up to CT to see him. He's just the smallest, most precious little thing and we're all just soaking him right up.




It's been less than a day and I miss him already! Can't wait till next time I get to hold him in my arms again. Welcome to the world, Ty! Love, Auntie =)

Also want to give a shoutout to my brother David who's birthday is today. So many things to celebrate in such a short time! Love it =D View full post
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